How to Clean Solar Panels In the UK For Maximum Efficiency: Tips and Tricks

As a solar panel owner, you’ve wisely invested in renewable energy. But are you making the most of your panels?

Regular cleaning is essential to ensure optimal performance and longevity. In this guide on how to clean solar panels, we will discuss the importance of solar panel cleaning, methods for assessing your panels’ cleanliness, and the pros and cons of DIY versus professional solar panel cleaning services.

We will also provide a step-by-step guide to how to clean solar panels in the UK and discuss preventative measures and maintenance.

Short Summary

  • Solar panel cleaning is essential for energy efficiency, maximizing the lifespan of panels and aesthetic appeal.
  • Regular maintenance, and preventive measures, such as installing protective covers and bird deterrents, are important to ensure optimal performance.
  • Regular monitoring of solar panels through visual inspection and tracking energy production is necessary to maintain their cleanliness & efficiency.

The Importance of Solar Panel Cleaning

Solar panel cleaning is crucial for maximizing energy output, extending solar panel system life, and maintaining aesthetic appeal. In the UK, it is recommended that solar panels be cleaned annually to ensure optimal efficiency and productivity.

Cleaning solar panels can increase their power output by up to 30%. Dirt accumulation, bird droppings, and other debris can impede sun exposure and consequently decrease power output, leading to higher energy bills.

In addition to increased energy production, regular cleaning can extend the lifespan of your solar panels. Solar panels are designed to last for decades, but their efficiency can decrease if they are not properly maintained.

By keeping your panels clean and free of debris, you can ensure that they continue to generate electricity at their maximum capacity for years to come.

solar panel cleaning

Here is a table summarizing the steps involved in cleaning solar panels:

Use solar panel cleaning kitsThese kits usually contain a biodegradable soap, a wiper, and a small brush or brush with a longer handle
Mix the soap with waterInstructions are provided on the bottle
Begin gently wiping the solar panelsDip the brush in the bucket and start cleaning
Use plain water or a soft brushThis can help remove any grime or dirt that has built up on the panels
Clean solar panels when they are moist or wetAny dirt or residue that is stuck on them can be wiped off easily
Never use an abrasive sponge or soapThese can scratch the glass of the solar panels
Avoid harsh materialsThey could cause damage, and solar panels are costly to repair
If you clean often, you might be able to just run a hose along the panelsThis can help remove any dirt
Use a long handled wiperFor your safety and the safety of others around you, use a long handled wiper to clean the panels while you are standing on the ground
If you must get on the roof, take proper careOnce you begin cleaning, the roof becomes slippery and you could slide off when you get down, so use safety ropes or a harness for support
Always watch out for dirtSolar panels can absorb sunlight better when they are free of dirt

Maximizing Energy Output

A clean solar panel allows more sunlight to reach the solar cells, resulting in greater energy production.

Dirty solar panels can lose up to 25% of their efficiency by obstructing sunlight. This means that even a thin layer of dirt, dust, or bird droppings can significantly impact your panels’ performance. Regular cleaning is essential to maintain their efficiency and keep your energy bills low.

In addition to dirt and debris, shading can also reduce the efficiency of your solar panels. Ideally, your solar panels should be installed in an area with minimal shading from trees, buildings, or other structures.

By ensuring that your panels receive the maximum sunlight possible, you can optimize their energy output and make the most of your renewable energy investment.

Extending Panel Life

Proper maintenance plays a crucial role in extending the lifespan of your solar panels. Keeping your panels clean and free of debris prevents potential damage from dirt and dust build-up.

Regular cleaning also helps maintain the protective glass layer on your panels, ensuring they continue functioning efficiently.

To further protect your solar panels from physical harm, you can take preventive measures such as installing protective covers, fencing, or netting to guard against scratches and hail.

By investing in regular maintenance and taking steps to safeguard your panels, you can ensure that they continue to generate clean, renewable energy for many years to come.

solar panel cleaning equipment

Aesthetic Appeal

Aside from the performance benefits, clean solar panels also contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal of your property. Dirty solar panels can appear dull and unattractive, potentially diminishing your home’s curb appeal.

Regular cleaning helps maintain the appearance of your solar panels, ensuring that they remain visually appealing and complement your property’s overall appearance.

Assessing Your Solar Panels for Cleaning

Before you embark on the cleaning process, it’s crucial to assess the cleanliness of your solar panels. This can be done through visual inspection and monitoring energy generation. Knowing when your panels need cleaning ensures that you maintain efficiency and extend their lifespan.

Visual Inspection

A thorough visual inspection of your solar panels can reveal dirt, debris, bird droppings, or other obstructions that might be affecting their performance. Inspecting your solar panels regularly also allows you to check for scratches, adhesive marks and fractures that may require attention.

In addition to assessing the panels themselves, it’s important to inspect the surrounding area for potential debris sources and other dirt, such as overhanging trees or nearby construction sites. By monitoring these factors, you can ensure your solar panels remain clean and efficient.

Monitoring Energy Generation

Monitoring your solar panels’ energy generation is another crucial aspect of determining their cleanliness.

Regularly checking the generation meter and documenting the readings can help you track your panels’ performance over time. A sudden decline in energy generation may indicate that your panels need cleaning or maintenance.

Solar monitoring systems, such as aftermarket solar monitors and microinverters, can provide real-time data on your solar panels’ energy generation.

These tools and monitoring systems can help you make adjustments to maximize solar array efficiency and determine the optimal time for cleaning, ensuring that your solar panels continue to produce clean, renewable energy.

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DIY vs Professional Solar Panel Cleaning

When it comes to cleaning your solar panels, you may be wondering whether to opt for a DIY approach or hire a professional solar panel cleaner. Both options have pros and cons, but ultimately, the choice comes down to safety concerns and warranty considerations.

Hiring a professional solar panel cleaner ensures that the cleaning process of roof-mounted panels is carried out safely and accurately, thereby preserving your warranty. Professionals have the necessary equipment and expertise to clean your solar panels without causing damage or risking personal injury.

On the other hand, DIY solar panel cleaning can be more cost-effective but poses safety risks and potential damage to your panels. It’s important to weigh each method’s pros and cons before deciding.

Safety Concerns

Cleaning solar panels independently can be hazardous due to the difficulty of gaining secure access and possibly damaging the panels. Roof-mounted solar panels, in particular, present a significant challenge for safe access, as working at heights can be dangerous.

Additionally, there is a risk of electrocution when cleaning solar panels, particularly if the system is not properly powered down before cleaning.

Using a high-pressure stream, washer or high-pressure cleaner on solar panels can also cause damage to the silicon seams and introduce water into areas where it’s not intended to be.

Hiring a professional solar panel cleaner mitigates these safety risks and ensures that your panels are cleaned effectively without causing harm.

Warranty Considerations

Warranty considerations are another important factor when deciding between DIY and professional solar panel cleaning. Damaging your solar panels while cleaning them yourself could render your warranty invalid. Using high-pressure water or abrasive tools can also void your warranty.

Professional solar panel cleaners know the solar panel manufacturer’s guidelines and take the necessary precautions to preserve your warranty. They will power down the system. They may use a voltmeter to test the live current of the solar panels before approaching them with water.

By hiring a professional cleaner, you can ensure that your solar panels are cleaned safely and in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, maintaining your warranty and protecting your investment.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Solar Panels

Whether you choose to clean your solar panels yourself or hire a professional, knowing the proper cleaning process is essential. The following step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of cleaning your solar panels safely and effectively.

Preparing your equipment is the first step. This includes gathering the necessary supplies, such as a soft cloth, a bucket of warm water, and a mild detergent. You may also need a ladder or other tools to reach the panels.

Carrying out the cleaning can be difficult.

Preparing Your Equipment

Before you begin cleaning your solar panels, gather the necessary equipment. A solar panel cleaning kit typically includes a soft brush, a squeegee, a telescopic sponge, a water-fed pole with a soft brush, and biodegradable soap. These tools help to loosen dirt and debris without damaging the surface of your solar panels.

It’s also important to use the correct cleaning solution. A diluted vinegar solution or mild detergent mixed with warm water is recommended for cleaning solar panels. Take caution when cleaning the panels. Avoid using abrasive tools or harsh chemicals, as they can cause damage.

Cleaning Process

Begin the cleaning process by wetting the solar panels with a hose on low pressure to remove any loose dirt or debris.

Next, use a soft brush or sponge attached to a water-fed pole to gently scrub the surface of the panels, working in a side-to-side motion to dislodge dirt and grime. Be sure to clean the entire surface of the panels, paying particular attention to areas with stubborn dirt or bird droppings.

After scrubbing the panels, rinse them thoroughly with cold water from a hose on low pressure to remove any remaining dirt or cleaning solution. Be sure to avoid using high-pressure water, as this can damage the silicon seams of the panels and introduce water where it’s not intended.

Finally, use a squeegee to dry the surface of the panels, ensuring a streak-free finish.

Post-Cleaning Inspection

Once the solar panels are clean, it’s essential to inspect them for any signs of damage or residual dirt. A professional technician can detect any physical damage, including cracks, delamination, or discolouration, ensuring that your panels continue to function efficiently.

You can also visually inspect the panels yourself or use an infrared thermal imaging camera to detect hot spots, cracks, flaws, rust, discolourations, or fractures.

Conducting a thorough post-cleaning inspection ensures that your solar panels are clean, efficient, and ready to generate clean, renewable energy.

Preventative Measures and Maintenance

In addition to regular cleaning, several preventative measures and maintenance strategies can help keep your solar panels clean and efficient. These include bird deterrents, location considerations, and regular monitoring.

Bird Deterrents

Birds can be a nuisance for solar panel owners, as their droppings and nesting materials can obstruct sunlight and reduce panel efficiency. Consider installing bird mesh, pigeon netting, or an ultrasonic bird repellent to deter birds from your solar panels.

Regular cleaning with a mild detergent and a soft brush can also help to remove bird droppings and prevent future build-up.

Location Considerations

When installing solar panels, it’s important to consider their location to ensure they receive the maximum amount of sunlight possible. Choose a location with minimal shading from trees, buildings, or other structures.

Additionally, avoid areas with high dust and pollution levels, as these can contribute to dirt build-up on your panels. Considering these factors during installation, you can optimize your panels’ efficiency and reduce the need for frequent cleaning.

Regular Monitoring

Regular monitoring of the energy bill from your solar panels is crucial for maintaining their performance and efficiency. Check the generation meter weekly and document the readings to track your panels’ energy production over time.

Solar monitoring systems, such as aftermarket solar monitors and microinverters, can also provide real-time data on your solar panels’ energy generation, helping you make adjustments as needed.


Regular cleaning and maintenance are essential for maximizing the efficiency and longevity of your solar panels.

By following the step-by-step cleaning guide provided, assessing your panels’ cleanliness, and implementing preventative measures, you can ensure that your solar panels continue to generate clean, renewable energy for years to come.

Whether you clean your solar panels yourself or hire a professional, remember that safety and warranty considerations are paramount.

With proper care and attention, your solar panels can remain a valuable and sustainable investment for your home and the environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I clean solar panels myself?

Yes, you can clean your solar panels yourself. All you need is a water-fed pole with a soft brush combined with a squeeze for the best results.

With a garden hose on low pressure, you can clean the dirt off the panels and then squeeze the surface dry.

Do solar panels need to be cleaned in the UK?

For most households in the UK, regular solar panel cleaning is unnecessary since rain usually keeps them clean.

Nevertheless, it can be beneficial to occasionally clean the panels to keep them free of dirt and dust and ensure maximum electricity generation.

How often do solar panels need to be cleaned in the UK?

Experts suggest that cleaning your solar panels once or twice a year is the best way to maintain peak performance in the UK.

This practice can help boost energy output by around 10% and ensure you receive the most from your solar system.

Regular cleaning can help remove dirt, dust, and other debris accumulating on the panels and reduce their efficiency. Using the right cleaning products and techniques is important to ensure the cleaning process is successful.

About Jim

I'm passionate about green energy and sustainable living. Join me on this journey towards a more sustainable future, where we can reduce our carbon footprint and save money on energy bills.